Monday, February 23, 2009

More Martinique

That day we swim over to the beach and do a bit of sunbathing which we have not done in ages and a couple of games of bat and ball until the ball split apart and we could not play any longer. That night we got home and syms head was completly red rore. The scalp had never been exposed to sun light before and it was like someone had cracked an egg over his head, it was all dripping with puss. NICE!!
The next couple if days it was flaking and falling everywhere. Check this out

The next day we had a brillant sail and made our way to a next island of St Lucia which was about 30 miles away. The weather was sunny with no squalls but windy enough for us to fly down the coast making wicked time averaging about 7 odd knots.
We drop the hook in Rodney Bay late afternoon where we meet up with Aliisa and our long lost matey Simon off Doris who we have not seen since Cape Verdes!!

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