Friday, February 27, 2009

St Lucia Part Two

We get boarded early the following morning by three ghosts.Brendon , Jewels and Ian. Jesus I did not actually believe how brown I was ( being ginger and all- everyone is so much browner than me) but hey I stood out like a bronzed goddess

Andy of Talluah had a kite surfing lesson booked so we all decided to go to a beach on the windward side of the island and check him out. We were hoping for some good entertainment but alas there was not even wind.

That turned into a bit messy cos there were beach bars and so the rum punches started at about mid day. It was quite a quiet beach in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden there comes Amy Winehouse and her disguised bodyguards. We had a little chat and some pics with her and Sym managed to piss her off. Nice one Sym he accused her of not being the real Amy Winehouse and a fake. She was not impressed to say the least

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