Saturday, February 21, 2009


We have friends arriving in St Lucia on the 27th February so we decided that it was getting time to move on further south so we set our course to head for Martinique.
We checked the weather before we left and it was the usual trade winds with some squalls but nothing too alarming.....
Well it turned out to be completly horrendous and was by far the worst sail in all my life. Intially I was so frightened i nearly started to cry. ( Umm lots of help am, well done). I had to think of sweet thoughts and try to block the black skies and confused seas out of my mind. Thank god Sym was there, he was great and helmed her the whole trip.
The wind was around 50 knots and the sea state was awful as soon as we got around the headland. We were in a massive violent squall which lasted the best part of our sail. Thank god it was only a short day sail. Anyway we survived and Quartermoon handled absolutley great.Looking back it was a really good heavy weather experience and next time ill be way more confident cos everything was fine really, but i do hope that im never caught in weather that bad again, expecailly for no longer than a day. At least next time i wont poop it so bad.
Sorry guys no pictures this time cos i did not fancy coming down below and rooting round the find the bloody camera. Way to much more important crap going on !!

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