Thursday, April 9, 2009

Quartermoon For Sale

Yes that’s right – Quartermoon is up for sale. For some time we have been deciding whether or not to put Quartermoon up on the market. We still want to carry on our circumnavigation and will still be travelling, but as usual (for us anyway) our plans have changed. Although we love Quartermoon to pieces, she is a wicked boat and has got us everywhere safely (touch wood) we are thinking of changing back to a catamaran. We have decided that Sym is going to put his expertise together and build our second boat – a 47 foot catamaran. We have a few designers in mind but we are toying with the idea between Owen Easton and Bob Obram.

So that’s it really, she is on the market and we hope to sell her as soon as possible. The plans are to sell her here where we will carry on our usual travelling until she is sold…then once we have received the money we while buy a cheaper , smaller boat to cross the pacific next year where we will build the boat in Australia.

But you never know we could end up in South America building a new boat, or may not sell Quartermmoon for a few years. We’ll see. All we know for sure is we love this life and don’t want it to stop… we carry on our normal travels until she is sold and then make our final decisions from there.

Anyway here are a few pics of Quartermoon and if anyone is interested please contact us.

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