Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Good Bye Wolverine!!

God there is loads of updating for me to do. The last couple of weeks I have been really slack, but lots of news for me to share.

After the Grenadines we sailed down to St Georges in Grenada, which was again a wicked sail – apart from the fact that Wolves was shitting it all the way. We dropped the hook in the lagoon area of St Georges. This is probably the calmest anchorage so far, but the downside is the bottom is mud and the water is absolutely gross. Not far from the standards of Gosport Marina. Usually we dive in first , but not this time( which im quite glad about because the next day I saw a dead bloody pigeon floating next to our boat( it was not one of the lovely plump pigeons either – it looked like our London Pigeons, deformed with no feet.)

We meet up with Alissa again and have a few drinks on the boat, where Annina decides to cook the best Mexican food ever. It was delicious.

We had decided some time ago that we need to get rid of Wolverine - get rid sounds a bit harsh but we needed to find him a new home, because it so cruel taking him sailing when he gets scared,. He would be so much happier in a house.

To cut a long story short this German couple motored up alongside Quartermoon when they saw out cats, and Rosi the wife instantly fell in love with Wolverine. We said we were looking for a good home for him, not expecting anything to happen really!! Just chatting. They already have a maine coon at their home in Germany.

Later that evening the German couple were knocking on the boat , saying they would love to have him and were willing to fly him home to their house in Germany. They were doing one last sail to Isla De Margarita off the Venezulan coast, leaving their boat there and then flying back to Germany. They explained how much they love cats and had lots of land so he can run around!! A much better home, but we were so sad.

It all happened so fast and the same time the following day he was all packed and on their boat. I cried for two whole days and felt sick. I know to all you readers you must think im crazy and nuts but I felt like he was part of the family, and it was very heart breaking, especially when we took him aboard and he tried to jump back in our tender and they jumped back into his bag.

Anyway bye wolverine, we will miss you, and shackles will to xxxx

Wolverine a few weeks old!!

Wolverine having his first bath after falling in the ocean in Gosport Marina

As you can see he was not very happy...

A few months old: we did not realise that the Maine Coon breed of cats can grow up to about 9 kg.We nearly had a heart attack - considering he slept on Syms pillow every night!!

Brighton Marina before we left.

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