Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Still Martinique

The following day we woke up to Doris shouting at us!! Our anchor had dragged and we were a couple of feet away from smashing into Doris. We shot up out of bed, what a nightmare. It was the first time ever we had dragged and could not really figure out why.It was only gusting 25 knots and our anchor had bitten fine like always the following day. Weve been in 50 knots before and she has not budged. Anyways a French guy tried to drop anchor the following day right on top of ours and we shouted to him to let him know he was dropping it right on where our anchor was. He got really pissed off with us and said something sarcastic and left. Maybe he caught our anchor - who knows, but it made me paranoid for a few days that we were going to drag again. I kept waking up every hour and sticking my head through the hatch to make sure we had not dragged!
That afternoon Sym went ashore to find that Leader Price the massive supermarket was open. Great!! Its been ages since we have had wine cos its so bloody expensive over here so we’ve been on the rum for months now.We spent a good few hundred quid and re stocked Quartermoon’s aft cabin with all the wine and beer we could fit in. Really chuffed.

Anyway, with the windows finally complete we decided to sail round to the anchorage called St Anns .It was beautiful, the water was so clear unlike where we just spend the last five days. So we spend the afternoon snorkelling and having a BBQ. That was the last evening we would see Doris as they were heading north for Antigua and we were heading back south to meet up with Talluah in the Grenadines. Bye guys and good luck with the crossing back to England!!! Keep in touch!!

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