Monday, March 30, 2009

My Birthday

We had a brilliant sail up to Petite Martinique. We were right into the wind so we had to tack a few times but it was 20 odd knots so we were making good speed at about 6 .5 knots. We arrived at the island and decided that the island next door Petite St Vincent looks far more luxurious so we decided to anchor there instead. So we ended up having to motor all of three three/ four minutes to get to the next island. It was beautiful. We went swimming in the clearest waters I have ever been in and anchored in 3.5 metres off the golden sandy beach. We spent the afternoon snorkelling and went for a walk on the beach

The whole of Petite St Vincent is a private holiday resort which cost mega bucks. So We were intrigued to know how much it would cost to stay in one of the cottages so when we googled it the results showed over 4000 quid each for the week not including the flights – this was just the resort. Ummm a bit cheap – we realised again how lucky we are to visit these islands for free!!!
After getting all dressed up we got on the tender and ripped over to the next island, which looked quite built up from a distance but we managed to find one small shack which was a menu of chicken or fish. We decided to give it a miss – Im bloody fed up to the eyeballs of chicken and fish so we decided we would go for a meal when we got down to grendada. We went back to the boat and My beautiful hubby knocked up a feast of crab cakes for starters followed by pasta.. yum yum

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