Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ouessant to Camaret

We spent a lovely few days in Ouessant. We got boarded by Customs which was quite exciting. They went through everything on the boat, under our bed, food cupboards, even opened and checked inside our box of flares. They went as far as to count how much money we had on board! I think we must of looked a bit dodgy but they were very friendly and professional. I made the mistake our falsely alerting them there were drugs on board. When they were looking under the bed there was a strong smell coming from Syms tool box which had some Resin and matting / fibre glass. I told them don’t worry its just resin and their eye brows raised and called the other guys from on deck. They thought I meant I had weed on the boat. Quite embarrassing really, what an idiot I am. Sym had to come down and un wrap it all to show them what it was! Phew!
We went site seeing around the Island and went into Lampout where we ended up in a old basket ball court on top of a mountain where there was a fete going on. Quite bazaar really. We ate some frites and had a couple of bottles of wine, as you do! The wine was really nice and only a few euros a piece, which wound Sym up where he spent a few hours talking about the prices of booze in Britain ( slight exaggeration )We got soaking wet in the rain on the way home, where we had to walk through some woods in the pitch black. Sym starting worrying about were wolves and kept talking franticly all the way back to the boat to stop himself being scared!
We are still waiting for a good weather report to cross Biscay and still SW gales in. So we decided to day hop as much as we can, doing a bit of travelling until the weather changes to cross.
Following morning we lift up the hook and head along the coast to Caramet. Weather sunny but on the nose again. Nearly every trip so far has been beating to the bloody wind. Is only a 24 mile trip so we fly there in no time at all and sail into the anchorage( looking like pro’s)
We find an amazing supermarket where we stocked up the boat with lots of wine, cheese and beer. The only down fall was we had to walk the trolley on a main road for 10mintues, down a public slipway and load it into our little dingy, where we rowed back to the boat which took about half an hour cos of the wait of it all. Quite a palaver.
Woke up this morning a bit concerned as there was a force nine coming in and anchoring in these conditions was a bit of a nightmare. I nervously waited up on deck for a few hours cos I could not sleep and I saw a boat in front of us dragging!
Sym comes up and starts flashing a torch in their windows trying to wake them. They come up after what felt like half an hour and tried to take up their anchor. After a few failed attempts they just chuck out a anchor over the side of their guard rail and go back to bed, no thank you or anything. That really riled me up cos if they dragged again they would most certainly bash into Quartermoon.
As it happens we woke up in the morning and they were gone, whether they dragged and sank is another story!
Weather is still terrible so we sit tight and wait

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