Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lyme Bay

Despite the getting up at the crack of today, today we both feel amazing. It feels so good to be out of the marina, even though we are only a few miles away the voyage has started and its feels soo good to have finished working!

There was not much wind today so we motor most of the way. Sym decides to go through the race, south of Portland Bill. It is worth mentioning that at the time we are aproaching was the perfect time accoring to the tides but "Jesus christ" it was very scary.We were all over the shop and i started to sweat a bit. I would not want to test this piece of water out when theres a bit of wind and tide going on.NOT RECOMMENDED!!

We catch five makeral on this trip and the cats absolutely love it. This is the second night we ve given them fresh makeral. We had to lock the fat cat Wolverine in the bedroom so Shackles could get her fair share.

The pusses spend alot of time sleeping but im sure ( well hopefully ) they will get used to it!!

Thw wind increases to force seven ( to Lori this means about 30 0dd knots ) and we get into Brixham earlier than expected. We spend the nezt day or so chiling out and reading books, getting used to this cruising life style, WE LOVE IT!

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