I bought Symian a Leathermans knife for his 38th birthday which he really loved as the Gerber I bought him the year before had all rusted up and the quality was absolutely cack. I would not recommend any one to buy the crappy Gerber. We went to the little bar by the customs office for happy hour for 5 – 6pm which worked out sooo cheap. It was less than a quid for a rum and coke but the measure was massive….easily over a double with the tinest amount of coke. I think Sym managed to squeeze in six beers in that hour…so we were quite tipsy by the time we went out for our meal.
Its been ages since we had a meal out so we decided to go for a Chinese, which we figured out has been over 6 months since we have had one. Not like our days in Gosport where we went for a ‘ All you can Eat’ and a litre of red nearly every friday night.
The food was lush and, especially because ive been on a series diet for over a month now and if I ate one more salad it was gonna kill me. Being on a diet seriously sucks, but it was called for considering ive been eating and drinking like a beast since we left England, alongside not much exercise…ive turned into a Hippo!
We ended back in the bar after our meal and carried on with more drinking on Quartermoon,followed by diving off the boat skinny dipping until the early morning….bet the neightbours loved us!!!
Sym giving it large!!!
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