Friday, December 25, 2009

The new year, new boat and new BABY!!!!

Again, im sorry for the lack of updates going on....

Just to let everyone know we are safe and sound and are in South Carolina on our new boat. Im just in the middle of setting up a new blog site so ill save the link on here - for those who are interested.

Last trip out on Quartermoon and we see Dolphins.

Theres been loads of changes going on!!! After selling our beautiful Quartermoon to Sammy and Mike, we fly to the states to have a look at our new boat. As soon as we see her we fall in love, and put a deposit down straight away!!! Talk about being impulsive and rushing into things...but thats the way we have always been i suppose.We rush into everything and think of the consequences later!!

After lots stress and trouble with the banks we have to personally fly back to Britain to sign paperwork in order for them to release my money to pay for our new boat....

We spend a good month at home visting everyone at christmas and see all my family and friends in Wales and then over for a week with Syms family in Birmingham to spend New Years Eve...totally different from last year when we spent it out at sea on the Atlantic Crossing!! But it was soo lush to see everyone!

Me and Little lils

Little Lelya and mummy abs

Syms Daughter Lauren and her boyfriend Lewis (looking all grown up)

And yes we have a new baby on the way for those who dont know...IM PREGNANT!! and we are both mega happy. Christmas was a very weird one for me to say the least...and it was the first time ever i have woke up without a hangover on christmas day..and no im not like other people who say - dont you find it funny when your sober and everyone is drunk...This is not funny at all - in fact quite the opposite!! its quite painful to say the least and you realise how bloody ridiculuos everyone is, aswell as how much crap people talk when there drunk!!

Although very sober, we all had a awesome time and im glad my sym won joint first prize in the fancy dress competition - it went towards the 120 pound he spent on his costume....I was angry for weeks.

Check out these pics..

We were really lucky to have so much snow when we were back home...but after a while we were praying for warmer whether...

Baby Jenson in the snow

How quick Sym lost his lovely tan -