Anyhow the trip worked out quite reasonable. The tour guide charged 50 EC and hour which are about 13 quid, but there were four of us altogther so a whole six hours cost less than 40 quid for the two of us and we got to see loads.
First of all Bubbler ( our taxi driver) took us to one of the waterfalls. It certainly was not as good as the one in Dominica…. But it will take a lot to top that, unless we go to Niagara Falls I suppose. Anyway it was raining quite heavily so none of us were that keen to jump in and Bubbler said we would be visiting a better waterfall towards the end of the day... so that was cool.
On our way back this local kid stopped the van and showed us the coolest thing ever.. it was a tattoo ( which is some sort of armadillo) The tatoo are eaten by the locals and are a delicacy over here. I cant imagine how they can taste good…they look so weird, but I wont knock it until ive tried it. I was quite jealous cos Sym got to touch it and I did not, I was too far away in the van and Bubbler drove off before I got chance. I was not that impressed to say the least. Anyway take a look at this...
Next Bubbler decided to take us off the beaten track and drive to a beach on the northern side on the island. As it was easter there was a massive party going on where thousands of locals had gathered together. The atmosphere was crazy there.. there were mega loud speakers all of the place banging out loud music,there was food stalls and beer stalls and the people were dancing and getting wasted everywhere and it was only mid day.
As we were driving through we got stopped by the police, who were stopping and searching all the vehicles for armed weapons before entering... we were all quite shocked.. how can a small island warrant so much security and policing ... and the weapons.. it was nuts. Anyway the police seemed nice enough, but i can imagine it could get quite out of hand towards the end of the evening.. thinking about it no different really to Cardiff at 2am on a saturday night( apart from the guns)!!!
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