The following evening I was respectable and well behaved. Oh Yes!! we had some drinks on Tallulah. Everyone else had already had a skin full by the time Sym and I arrived and he caught up quickly, while I surprisingly enough paced myself.
It was nice to see other people behaving in such a drunk and disorderly manner (he he Brendon) I have some brilliant video footage of you on Tallulah which I threatened to put on her for pay back for videoing me the night before – but after much thought I have come to the conclusion that there is far too much bad behaviour and swearing coming from your vile mouth and I have too many younglings and oldies who read the blog - and they would be mortified, so you are very lucky! Ha Ha!!
Anyways the next day Tallulah head back up north to St Lucia and we say our goodbyes!! It’s been brilliant catching up again. The next day me and Sym take the dingy away from the anchorage round the headland to a divers spot and do some snorkelling. We saw some brilliant fish; we spend the rest of the afternoon playing bat and ball on the beach!! Until….
I fell over and did my back in. Jesus Christ its hurt so bad. I lay on the beach in pain for about half and hour while sym was trying to get me up. I was quite surprised how many people are such uncaring shits!!!! Can you believe the beach was full of people and they walked past and did not even offer any help. Only one American lady did and she and Sym helped me into the tender and back to the boat. Thank you dear and piss off the rest of you bums!! It really upset me actually.
Anyway not much else to catch up on really. The last four days I have been lying down in the boat in pain. Got really frustrated and bored, but it is getting better. By day four I climbed in the water and went for a swim which made me feel loads better. We decided to move on down the coast 20 miles to Canouan - so Sym got his chance for a bit of solo sailing!!
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