We spent the last week or so hopping around the coast of France, visiting some really good places worth mentioning such as Concarneau and the Ile De Yeu. The weather has still been terrible but we are still having fun. Whilst hopping around the coast we got caught in 5 metre swells, which was really quite horrible, definitely the biggest seas we have encountered so far, but it was fine they we large swells so we just glided over the top. It was a brill experience.
The forecast was a force 6/7 SW and the sea state rough but we did not have much choice as the previous anchorage we were in in Audierne was completely exposed so we had to move on down the coast. I don’t know whether you can even call it an anchorage it is completely open to bay of Biscay and no matter where the wind is coming from there is a continuous swell. Sym has devised a plan where we put the boom right out and attach a sea drogue to the end of it. It is fantastic and works wonders, apart from the morning we woke up to find it soo rolly and go outside and the bloody thing had chaffed through and was at the bottom of the sea. Great 35 quid down the swanny. We are so fed up of exposed rolly anchorages, it fells like we have not had a decent night sleep since leaving Gosport. Cant wait to get to Espana.
Anyway, 21 st August we finally get a break in weather and we can cross the Bay of Biscay. The weather forecast is hardly any wind for the first day, but we jump at the chance, even if we have to motor the whole way its better than too much wind! We head of from Ile De Yeu and head for Giyon or Santander. The trip was so calm I could not get my head round it, it was like a lake. We saw our first set of dolphins and even saw a whale about 100 yards from our boat, sym had tears in his eyes. I might have to erase this if he sees this .This was quite scary, cos the amount of stories you read about Whales sinking boats must stay I was not ecstatic about it being so close.
The first night we had thunder and lighting, oh just our luck. Thank god it was calm though, the wind finally picks up the next day and we are able to sail the rest of the journey. We make good progress and the second night I get my first starry starry night that sym has been promising for so long!! I must admit it was soo beautiful!
We finally arrive in Santander at 7am and by god its lush. The weather is boiling and the first place we anchorage is just off a beach with golden sand and palm trees. We deserve it! We have finally done the dreaded Biscay and it was cool, now it the rest of the world to Conquer.
The anchorage is soo flat and well protected and the first thing we do is dive into the water ( still a bit chilly though )
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