This is our fourth day out at the sea and the furthest we have ever been away from land. To date we have only done 400 odd miles. Probably our slowest trip yet. The last two days we have been averaging about 3 knots, with certain points in the evening going down to about 1.8 knots. We have been more or less becalmed for a period, which in one way is really nice, because the sea state was so calm it was just like being on anchor - I don’t think the cats even knew we were sailing. Sym cooked chips and we have watched movies and its been really relaxing, but then another part of you thinks that we could of achieved about 600 miles in this space of time, hence a few less days at sea.
The wind finally picked up yesterday evening to about 10 -14 knots. We encountered our first squall, which was very surreal. We stripped off our clothes , lathered ourselves with shampoo and took full advantage on the downpour. We are quite fed up with fish now - we have eaten it for a couple of days but there is still mountains of the stuff left, I know its wasteful but sym chucked the rest back in the sea. We certainly wont be fishing for a few more days!
We are making really good progress today and are travelling at 6 odd knots, and the weather has been sunny, unlike the last two days which has been cloudy and raining. We lost contact on VHF with Doris yesterday which im quite gutted about, its always nice to have a chat with someone because its nice to know that other people are suffering to! Ha Ha!Last night we saw two boats for the first time in 400 miles.
Tonight will be the first time in my life I have not been drunk on new years eve, we have some sparkling wine in the fridge which we thought we might have a glass to celebrate, but the sea is quite swelly todday and im certainly not in the mood for drinking. At this point we have only 1600 miles to go ( urg )