Thursday, December 25, 2008

Xmas in Cape Verdes

We ( Simon, Sym and me ) have a mad shopping spree in the town where we get all our provisions for the Atlantic crossing as well as all the fresh fruit and veg for Xmas. We finally find a butchers and they want £20 for a puney turkey. We decide to go for two small chicks instead. Everything so expensive here. We bought a kilo of Lemons which cost £5 from little old nana on one stall and then find out they are £2 per kilo in the supermarket. We cannot believe that we got scammed by a cute old nana! Where was her xmas sprit.
Whilst in the supermaket hunting for eggs( which are like gold dust ) we get hounded by this girl asking for ( yet again ) powdered milk for her baby. Sym has seen her five times this day, without the baby so god only knows!
Anyway Sym panics and tells her to wait outside. After 10mins she’s obviously getting inpatient and decided to come back in and pick up the milk for herself and try to put in in our basket. She picks up the biggest pack she can find. So I tell her to out it back and I get the smaller one! When we pay and give it to her, she does not even smile just holds her hands out and asks for more dosh- i could not believe the cheek of her. If she was that desperate, surely she would be more grateful instead of being so rude! This got right on my nerves!!
Me and Sym get back to the boat and decide to eat hot dogs and open a bottle of nice wine. Its our 5th year anniversary today- since we have been together. Sym makes a lemon cheesecake and we chill out waiting for xmas day. This must have been the first xmas eve I have not been wasted. Usually it’s a large session with my mates back home!!
Xmas Day!!
We wake up at 10 ish ( not as early as when I was a kid and used to set my alarm for 3 am )
Sym makes me bacon and scrambled egg which was a lush treat and we open a bottle of bubbley and have bucks fizz. I phone my family up and after I get quite upset! don’t know why, think I may have got a tadge home sick as it feels weird being away from Christmas, I would of loved to see my family, especially my nieces and nephew ( Layla and Oscar ) who were born a few weeks back so I have not even seen them and little lili my oldest niece who is so lush.
We go for a dip in the sea and take in the shampoo and have a wash. We then just rinse off with fresh water, it s so much better than just having a shower, don’t use a fraction of our precious water supply.
Simon comes around and we eat a wicked dinner ( cooked by my beautiful husband) he even made his own stuffing from scratch! It tradition to have piggies in blankies but we had to make do with little frankfurter, interesting( alot nicier than it sounds) As always after dinner , your two fat and sleepy to move, so the rest of the night was spent drinking wine and watching movies! Sweet Sweet!!! i love this cruising luife it rocks!

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