Friday, February 5, 2010

New Blog Site:

New York , New York

When trying to book flights back to South Carolina, it worked out much cheaper to fly from London to New York and then catch the bus ( for 20 hours ) down to our new we decided to have a few days and nights in the big apple..

It was brillant and we were so lucky that it snowed was really wicked to see all the sites, but there is no way we could live there, it was way to hectic and smelly!!

Good start to Syms healthy new years diet!!

On the boat to go and see the Statue of Liberty

Me in Times Square

Symi loving Central Park

The three days we spent there were jammed packed full of doing all the sites,,, and being preggers and all at the end I was absoltely Knackered - I had to keep stopping every afternoon and having a nap in the hotel before going out in the evening!!
We went to go and see Chicago on Broadway...which costs us 200 quid and was so all that good really!!! We were expecting it to be a little more impressive!!

At the end we were glad to start our new adventure and get back home - it is the longest we have ever been on land in abour 4 years!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

The new year, new boat and new BABY!!!!

Again, im sorry for the lack of updates going on....

Just to let everyone know we are safe and sound and are in South Carolina on our new boat. Im just in the middle of setting up a new blog site so ill save the link on here - for those who are interested.

Last trip out on Quartermoon and we see Dolphins.

Theres been loads of changes going on!!! After selling our beautiful Quartermoon to Sammy and Mike, we fly to the states to have a look at our new boat. As soon as we see her we fall in love, and put a deposit down straight away!!! Talk about being impulsive and rushing into things...but thats the way we have always been i suppose.We rush into everything and think of the consequences later!!

After lots stress and trouble with the banks we have to personally fly back to Britain to sign paperwork in order for them to release my money to pay for our new boat....

We spend a good month at home visting everyone at christmas and see all my family and friends in Wales and then over for a week with Syms family in Birmingham to spend New Years Eve...totally different from last year when we spent it out at sea on the Atlantic Crossing!! But it was soo lush to see everyone!

Me and Little lils

Little Lelya and mummy abs

Syms Daughter Lauren and her boyfriend Lewis (looking all grown up)

And yes we have a new baby on the way for those who dont know...IM PREGNANT!! and we are both mega happy. Christmas was a very weird one for me to say the least...and it was the first time ever i have woke up without a hangover on christmas day..and no im not like other people who say - dont you find it funny when your sober and everyone is drunk...This is not funny at all - in fact quite the opposite!! its quite painful to say the least and you realise how bloody ridiculuos everyone is, aswell as how much crap people talk when there drunk!!

Although very sober, we all had a awesome time and im glad my sym won joint first prize in the fancy dress competition - it went towards the 120 pound he spent on his costume....I was angry for weeks.

Check out these pics..

We were really lucky to have so much snow when we were back home...but after a while we were praying for warmer whether...

Baby Jenson in the snow

How quick Sym lost his lovely tan -

Friday, October 30, 2009

Quartermoon Sold

After a week or so of stress and trouble with our first buyer we finally accepted a deposit on her...Very Sad but very exciting at the same time.

Basically the guy who said he wanted her from the start...asked if we would deliver it to costa rica for him. After organising all the paperwork, paying over a thousand dollars and getting her booked in the cheeky git...EMAILS...not phones and says to to finacial reasons he has to pull out...and check this out..this was on the morning we were due to to leave for the canal and we even had all the tyres on the boat and the lines ready... to top it off Debs and Alex had flown in the night before to help us be line handlers..

We were soo gutted, but at least we had a deposit kept by the brokerage and emails stating that any monies we paid for the canal were to be given to us in the unlikely event that he pulled out. WELL WHAT A LAUGH THAT IS...its now the new year and after months of dispute and us scanning the offical receipts of monies paid he has basically said no...what a twat??? the brokerage cannot realease the money to anyone unless this dispute is resolved.... his argument is we could of forged the receipt...even though it has the agent offical stamps all over it..Anyway enough of that...

The happy side is that a lovely British couple flew over to Panama staight away once they found she was back on the market , put a depoit down on her and arranged to pick her up from Shelter Bay Marina on the 19th November!!!

Quartermoon with her new owners Sammy and Mike ... they plan to take Quartermoon to Australia this year, so im sure they'll have a blog to follow, when i get it , ill post it on her...Me and sym were so chuffed and we could not of wished for her to go to a nicer couple. Congrats guys.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Shelter Bay Marina, Colon

We booked to have Quartermoon taken out the water the day after we arrived there. We were not at all happy when they made us sign some paperwork saying they take no responsibility for the boat if any damage is caused during the lift out. What the hell is that all about, thats the first marina we have ever heard of with such a thiing. Obviously we had no choice in the matter and so the whole time i felt like i could not watch....i was so worried of her falling out the cradle and crashing on the floor.
Oh well, thank god that did not happen..

Check out these pics of Quartermoon being hauled and lifted.

Sym spent the next few days sanding and preping the hull ready for the sprayer to come and spray her...

Quartermoon with her new paint job

When she was put back in the water me and Symi speant a whole day making her look dreamy. Symi spent the day before in Colon at a car graphics shop designing her go faster strips....

Check out Quartermoon in her new livery...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Finally an Update !!!

Hi everyone, really sorry for the rubbish and lack of updates going on. Hi to everyone else who was wondering where we are. We are safe and we are currently in Shelter Bay Marina, in Colon Panama.The last few months we have been so busy with working and selling Quartermoon i have no had much time to keep you all entertainted.
Any hows life is still brillant and we ve seen and done loads, so here goes the last couple of months:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Boco De Torro

The 100 odd mile sail ended up taking us 2 while days, can you beileve was a complete diaster..we had two - two and a half knots of current the whole journey and there were head winds all the way. We were maiking about 3 knots and nailing it flat out under engine.At one stage in the night we went down to 1.7 was so painfully slow. Of course the winds were not forecast and current this strong was never mentioned in any pilot guide.

A little bird that flew out to Quartermoon and slept on the bbq all night long until sun rise.

We finally arrived and Boco which was definately a cool place but very touristy. There were lots of restarants and bars all on the sea front. We docked up in the marina for the first time in since europe which felt so weird being tied to a pontoon after being at anchor for so long.

We had some good nights out and were gutted when we had to leave because it would of been nice to spent a few weeks there and go round some of the anchorages. Alan and his business partner came and viewed her and speant all bloody weekend on the boat.They were going to buy her for chartering out of their hotel that was being built in Costa Rica. We took them out for a sea trail and it all went well, but i had a really gut feeling about them that they were messing us around. They said they would get back to us to let us know, so we sailed back to Shelter Bay Marina a tadge gutted to do some maintenace and take her out the water....we decided it was time to re spray her as the hull and get her looking tip top